It's July 4th. Why is everyone so quiet?

Well, I'm stuck in the house so I've got no yummy food dishes to share. I did get my flag out tho!

Today will be movie/tv marathon day...and some worries about fireworks later. They aren't legal here, but you know there are always a few that still set them off. I've heard a some in the past month behind me and I'm concerned given how hot it's been. And that I have a wood roof/some dry brush out back. Here's hoping there are no bottle rockets nearby.

Cheers and happy 4th to all!!!

(Now I'm going to roll out to the kitchen and get me a Fudgesicle. smileys/smile.gif

Happy 4th!! from one of the Canadians on the site. Your

Country has so much to be proud of.


Stuffing My Mouth

Stuffing my mouth with hot dogs, homemade meat sauce, a cucumber, onion, tomato and feta salad, grilled apricots, honey and whipped cream.

Happy 4th to all.

Ha. Perfect description of why we can't "talk"! I made Round 2 of "fresh sockeye salmon." Wow. I'm

definitely a convert.

We were stuffing our mouths with grilled hamburgers, just about the best we have

ever eaten! I made them with beef I bought from a nearby farm that pasture raises their cattle and supplemental feed does not include any GMO products. Just salt and pepper in them. OMG!!! I am going back tomorrow and buying a bunch of that ground beef.......

yay, we'll be hauling them out of the river in the next 3 weeks. we had brisket and ribs.a break

from salmon. we grilled pineapple and peaches too---nothing fancy, just plopped them on the grill, but our friends thought it was so fancy and new to them.
