It's snowing here in Michigan! What does it look like out your window?


Well-known member
Just light and fluffy - beautiful smileys/smile.gif Sitting at the window recovering from Safari crash after opening too many windows for mug meal recipes. Wishing our squirrel would come peek in at Dh and I smileys/wink.gif Colleen

Fred Grub Mugs - know anyone graduating/moving?

Just picked these up at Kohl's for $4.20 with PINK30. Fun package with two 12oz microwave meal mugs covered with recipes - one for sweet and one for salty. We have a friend who just moved out into own apartment at 29. Colleen

Raining, raining, raining. Cold for Kauai. At least the wind stopped.

It rained for a year then it stopped. Then it started again. Then in April we had 50" of rain in 24 hours which messed up the island big time. Then the rain stopped. Then it started raining again and then we got nicked by a hurricane- another 30" in 24 hours.. Then the wind stopped and it started to rain again. Then we had sunshine for a couple weeks! Now we are in a rainy spell again and it is so cold! The island is still nowhere near back to normal. But it is paradise....I think.

Was just now laying on the floor doing stretching exercises and saw a bright beautiful rainbow.

out the window high up in the sky. Had just come in from a walk where it started to rain then turned to bigtime hail piling up like mini snow piles here and there...just as I was arriving home.

On the walk I was pondering what to make for dinner. Always thinking about food and recipes, LOL.

Never get snow here and the sight of snow on palm trees was bizarre. I do not long for the winters

of the east. This is the first time I saw snow or what they call "snow" here on Canada's west coast (piddly little bits of white fluff) and I am happy it is now disappearing after 5 days.

That's THE thing that I like about cold weather. I love braising. But for 1 person it seems

such a waste. Well, also, I like to be able to use my BBQ as an additional fridge.

Our 2 days of what they call "snow" here is over. Back to the flowers that started blooming in late December. Don't like snow when the city does not know how to deal with it, both the drivers and the workers.

Low 60s, gusty winds, rainy/sunny, and sinkholes are opening up!

We have been in drought conditions for about 5 years in CA, and now have been getting above normal rain.

Between that and the lack of use/maintenance of our drainage systems has caused many sinkholes to open up in streets around us and surrounding cities. One opened up about ten feet from the driveway entrance where I work and the rear wheels of a trash truck fell into it! What a crazy sight! That poor driver...luckily he was able to get out himself, but it took two cranes and a huge tow rig to get it out.

Still cooking but stashing extra in freezer

Making a list and working really hard to incorporate frozen cooked meat portions into menu planning. Looking forward to 3 thick pork chops I cooked sous vide before we went out of town, tuna broccoli quiche wedges and taco seasoned ground beef, among other things. Colleen

Our incessant rain for the past year has caused my neighbors 5 foot diameter, 60 foot tall oak

tree to topple down the hill (luckily away from the house.) The crater it left is over 6 feet deep and its roots were so embedded in the hillside that it caused their driveway retaining wall to start to collapse, which cause a sinkhole in the driveway.

Their house/driveway is built on the side of a hill, so the driveway has no where to slide, but down a 300 foot slope if the damage isn't repaired soon.

Fortunately, their insurance covers it, so the $18,500 bill will be covered with their $1,000 deductible. Unfortunately, it's STILL raining and expected to do so for the rest of the week. So the contractors can't work on it.
