It's takes a Swap Village to make a cake: Thanks to the following folks for a winner:


CAKE = charlie (& Barb in VA) for Sherry Yard's Vanilla Shortbread Cake.

FRUIT : Barb_b for Anna's Strawberry Vanilla Cake recipe for the strawberries with raspberry liquor.

TOPPING: cheezz's Strawberry Cream Cake for the 'cream cheese and whipping cream" topping.

I also added a layer of my own freezer strawberry & peach jam, pureed in the Vitamix with more Chambord. That went on top of the cake, before the strawberries and cream were added.

It was tasty, but messy. Filling and cream topping were sliding off the cake, but that may have been because it was room-temperature. Flavor-wise, I'd make it again if I could find strawberries that had ANY flavor whatsoever. But I'd try to design a neater result.

This sounds delish...

but yeah, it's too soon for strawberries that are any good. I saw them the other day at Costco -- and bonus they had fresh organic ones too (if only they'd carry organic frozen ones!). It tempted me, but I know better. Kinda sad Valentine's Day is all about chocolate covered strawberries and the like. The berries are always awful.

Mar, did you dam up the layer before filing? I've never had the frosting slide...musta been hot!

No...I saw the steps to do that, but I made a single 11"x13" layer and spread everything

out to the edges. Then I goofed and spread the jam layer on while still in the pan, thinking it would make it easier to transport. Forgot I had lined the pan with parchment. So I had to serve the cake still in the pan.

I precut the cake before lathering on the chopped strawberries and topping, so each time someone lifted out a square of cake, the neighboring strawberries and cream topping would slide down into the void. As I said...messy but tasty!

Even chilled, the cream topping was still soft. I was surprised at that as I assumed it would stiffen when cold.
