I've declared today to be: Useless kitchen gadget begone day! Anyone want to join me?


there is too much junk in my junk drawer...and something must be done about it.

Will attack and post spoils of war soon.

What about you?

Just move from a house to a condo...that works. Seriously, think

twice before chucking. I find myself all the time thinking...right, I got rid of that!

No, something like this (pix inside)...that keeps getting shoved around in the drawer...oxo fail...

this is suppose to be an herb chopper. I tried it once I think. First, it isn't sharp so doesn't cut things, if you press hard is sorta smooshes them. Second, everything gets stuck up in the wheels. Third, it's much more of a pain than just using a knife. Purchased years ago b/c of my carpel tunnel thinking it would help. Wrong....but somehow it has stayed in the drawer for the magic day it will somehow in my mind work like it is suppose to. I think it's been over a decade I've been waiting now...


Agreed! Actually, (speaking quietly...) that one would have been

gone a long time ago. {{wink}}

Make it an offering unto "Anoia" a minor goddess of "Things* That Stick in Drawers"

*"Often, but not uniquely, a ladle, but sometimes a spatula or, rarely, a mechanical egg-whisk that nobody in the house admits to ever buying. The desperate mad rattling and cries of "How can it close on the damn thing, but not open with it? Who bought this? Do we ever use it?" is as praise unto Anoia. She also eats corkscrews."

Going Postal
Terry Pratchett

Maria, I was gifted one of those many moons ago, I finally tossed it.

Despite all of my other fantastic experiences with Oxo products, that was one tool that was truly good for nothing. smileys/bigsmile.gif

Actually works best as a noodle cutter

And if you want the noodles a little wider, you can remove the pin so the wheel section comes out and remove every other blade.

Ha! "Anoia" love it - and it used to be a ladle too until I moved it to a crock on the counter..

but things in the drawer that regularly are offerings to "Anoia" besides that thing above...

> the egg slicer thingy that never gets used for eggs, but lives to see another day because of how well it slices strawberries

> the heart shaped pancake ring I used once on Valentine's Day a bajillion years ago.

> the ice pick that was dad's, I love that thing.

> the whisk attachment to the hand mixer

> %^&*ing plastic measuring cups I rarely use because I have 3 sets of SS ones, but just when I get ready to toss them, one ends up being the closest to grab.

> the turkey lifter. looks like a stabby weapon.

> the can opener. stop wiggling in that drawer for cryin' out loud

If I hadn't moved the ladle, whisks and spatulas to the counter crock I would've had to kill them by now.
