Jeni Bauer's "Bangkok Peanut Ice Cream" >> her tribute to Pad Thai


I was a bad girl this weekend (...and I'm leaving it at that.)

1 1/4 C whole milk

1 TBL + 2 tsp corn starch

3 TBL cream cheese

3/4 C natural peanut butter

1/2 tsp fine sea salt

1 1/4 C heavy cream

3/4 C coconut milk (not lite)

2/3 C sugar

2 TBL light corn syrup (had to use Lyle's because all my Karo ended up in the Whitewater Granola bars)

2 TBL honey

1/2 C unsweeted coconut, toasted and chopped

1/8 tsp cayenne

Optional: which I used:

2 lemongrass stalks, chopped

4 fresh ginger coins.

Mix 2 TBL of the milk with the cornstarch to make a slurry.

Cream the peanut butter and creamcheese together.

In a large pot, bring the liquids (milk, cream, coconut, syrups and honey) lemongrass, ginger and the sugar to a boil. Boil for 4 minutes. Add cornstarch slurry and boil for one more minute.

Strain (to remove the lemongrass and ginger) over the peanut butter mix and blend well.

Add cayenne and toasted coconut and chill.

When very cold, process in ice cream machine.

I DESPISE my Donvier ice cream maker and am saving rupees to buy something better, but this worked somewhat.

The first taste hit is peanut butter.

The second taste is coconut

The third and lingering sensation is a burn at the back of the throat.

I never tasted the lemongrass element, but the burn may be from the fresh ginger as well as the cayenne.

Someone who doesn't like texture will not like the bits of coconut. I thought it would go fabulous with Dyslexic Chocolate Sauce.

I'll test tomorrow and see how it goes.

(edited to update: Wow...sliced bananas, warm chocolate sauce and this somewhat frozen (damn Donvier) ice cream. Good combo.)

Wow. that is pretty heavy. How did it turn out?

It could be could be bad...

As I always look at recipes these days. There are so many freakish things that I don't want to try.

Very peanut-y. Then coconut-y. Then burn-y. Her "Pad Thai" term was a reference

to a challenge going on in the food market where one of her ice cream shops is at. Several different vendors were saying their Pad Thai was the best, so she jumped in with her own "ice cream" version.

I was hoping the lemongrass/ginger tones would shine through, but they didn't.

so...very tasty with Dyslexic sauce, but I didn't enjoy it as much knowning how many calories I was wasting on it.
