Chill one can of ideal milk very well
Make 1 packet of lemon jelly with just less than half the required amount of water
Chill a small can of pineapple chunks or use crushed pineapple.
When the jelly is this thick and syrupy beat the chilled milk untill double its bulk in a cold bowl. Stir in jelly and well chilled drained pineapple. Set in pretty bowl.
The main things to keep an eye on...dont let the jelly get set lumps- keep it like syrup and keep every thing cold. Hopefully the pineapple does not sink to the bottom. Whipped cream and ginger biscuits go well with this. Evaporated milk is ideal milk
One more you whisk it around once it's in the serving bowl?
You say to not let the jello set lumps and keep it syrupy, but I'm assuming that means don't let it set before it gets mixed with the milk and pineapple?