Joe, I made your and Julia's Braised Cabbage Rolls with Ham again, I love the stuffing and started

I don't see why not. Would you add more ham and make balls out of it?

Or are you talking about stuffing a pork chop or maybe a chicken breast?

I love the combination of sage, ham and cheese and I've come to like it better than more traditional cabbage rolls. (Not that I would turn one down.)

These were tasty. Next time I'll boost the sage

in the filling, or perhaps use thyme, which when I looked at Julia's recipe in Way To Cook, is shown as another option. Looking forward to making the recipe again.

Good to know, Joe, will use fresh sage next time. Do you

tinker with the sauce at all? The sauce as written is very subtle and I left as was but kept thinking it could use a bit more flavor.

I've never tinkered too much with the sauce, except to use canned tomatoes instead of fresh

which make it a little more saucy. Some garlic or herbs might be a nice touch, but I wouldn't want to upstage the stuffing.

sometime ago in grade school, we had an assignment to pick a favorite word. mine was "crisp".

it was to be a word that maybe sounded like what it was(does that make sense?) or a perfect descriptive word. I think I would add "saucy" to my favorite word list now.
