Joe's Lemon Bars


Well-known member
Here's my T & T lemon bar recipe. I don't
think they'd freeze well because of the
custardy topping, but I've never tried.

This calls for an 8" square pan and makes
16 bars. A double recipe fits in a 9x13”
dish. A triple fits a jelly roll pan.

The only trick to these is to pour the
topping onto the hot crust as soon as it's
done, preferably in the oven. This keeps
it from getting soggy.

Mix together in a food processor:

1 cup sifted flour
¼ cup powdered sugar
½ cup butter chilled unsalted butter, diced
A pinch of salt (if butter is unsalted)

(Mixture will stay powdery if your butter
is cold) Press into 8 x 8-inch pan. Bake
at 350ºF. 20 minutes, or until lightly

Meanwhile, beat together:

2 eggs
1 cup sugar
3-4 tbs. lemon juice
½ tsp. baking powder

Pour onto hot crust immediately after it is
done. Bake 25 minutes more, or until
topping is firm and lightly browned. Let
cool before cutting. Cut around the edges
so all bars will have 4 cut sides. (Enjoy
the edge munchies yourself).

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Store airtight for a few days, or longer in
the refrigerator. Sprinkle again before
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