"Julie and Julia" doesn't open until Aug. 7th?! Waa!


Well-known member
Sandra--are you in town, that week? Shall we go? Any other NY folks want to come? smileys/smile.gif

OR... We could do a mass movie night, just for the heck of it, in different cities. Hmmmm? (I think someone mentioned this, a while back.)

I just might be! What fun that would be.I am making plans this week and will let you know. NT

I think I'd suggested having a mass movie night for "Julie and Julia."

It would be fun for all of us to go see it on that night (or as close as possible).

I can't wait to see Meryl Streep as Julia

We watched HBO's mini-series Angels in America and was shocked and amazed and in awe at her range.

If you aren't familiar with it, she played 4 couldn't-be-more-different characters: Hannah Pitt, the Mormon mother who learns her son is gay (and ends up dealing with it better than he does); the ghost of Ethel Rosenberg; a Rabbi; and an Angel. We had no clue she was the rabbi until the credits rolled!

When we learned she was taking on the role of Julia my husband and I both thought a more perfect choice couldn't have been made and can't wait to see it.

I am definitely coming in- it's been too long!! My batteries need recharging. Just not sure of the..

date yet(early or mid August) but I will let you know and if we don't see the movie together we will certainly have lunch! I would love to "meet" Erin too. So sorry we didn't do that when she was here.

Judging from the trailer, I'll fast-forward through the Julie bits and just watch Julia. Streep was

fantastic (but that's redundant).

Free Julie & Julia private screening contest

Bon Appetit has a contest to win a private movie screening (see link)!
"Be one of the first people to see this summer's foodie blockbuster, Julie & Julia. Enter here for a chance to win a private screening of the movie for you and all of your friends and family. Runners-up will win DVDs, movie tickets, copies of Julie Powell's book that inspired the movie, or copies of the cookbook that started it all: Mastering the Art of French Cooking."

Please let us know if you win! I will! Colleen


And one of my favorite bloggers is giving away a ticket and trip to LA this week for a screening of

the movie. You have to be able to go this week and enter by 7 EDT this evening. (Monday).

I'm in for a "mass movie" night - I'll go to a 7 pm showing or thereabouts. Is it heretical to eat

red vines or should I make my own bag of truffled popcorn and a flask of Chardonnay?

Let the snacking begin!

Red Vines are a red licorice that is sold at the movie concessions, and I confess I must have some,

Even more than popcorn, whenever I go to the movies! One of my many vices.

So what movie snacks are your favorites and what should we snack on for Julia and Julie?

Shaun, that was my same reaction from the trailer...

why are they taking Ms. Streep's "Julia" off the screen to show us this uninteresting filler?

Hopefully those parts of the movie won't drag too much.

But just think of the joy they'll provide when the next Julia segment arrives!
