Junior's Fresh Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie plus other recipes featured in N. Y. Daily News

Heads Up - After reading the recipe Charlie, I believe there is an error. Four Packages of Cream

Cheese way too much for a pie plate. I believe that is the regular recipe for a full cheesecake. May be a misprint.

Also, LOL I just glanced over my Woman's World from July 15, 2013 and the recipes are from Junior's Dessert Cookbook and guess what is featured......Junior's Fresh Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie and the filling calls for 2 packages (8 oz. each) Philadelphia cream cheese.

Take a look at Woman's World should still be in the supermarket.....There is a Woman on the cover holding an ice cream cone.

I have another cheesecake baked in a pie pan and it takes 1 1/2 pounds

of cream cheese--and it doesn't call for a deep dish pan.

o.k. so maybe the recipe is correct published in the N. Y. Daily News. I wish I had company coming

to try this, but, alas only the two of us and that is way too much to have in the house.

Charlie, not sure about you, but I think this is an inferred/extended invite. Gay, no need to refer

to me as as "company!" : ) Let me know the timing, as I know cheesecakes can be abit of a challenge.... : )

All the best!

