Just an FYI- My experience only. Making pierogi today and I decided to


Well-known member
try Martha's dough recipe instead of the family one.


Over two cups of liquid and maximum 5 cups of flour. It wouldn't form a non sticky dough and forget about rolling it out.

Hated to waste the ingredients but I dumped it and used the family one.

That has to be a mistake. My old family recipe calls for

3 cups of flour and only 1/4 cup of water plus 3 eggs. That's probably no more than 3/4 cup of liquid.

Saw her and her mom make them on her show. She switched out the dough before it was

Here's her recipe:

1 large egg
2 tablespoons sour cream
1 cup milk
1 cup water
4 1/2 to 5 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting

No salt, no butter

Mine is:
Crack an egg into a measuring cup, mix in 1 tbsp. salt, fill cup with milk or water to one cup line.
Add 3c flour
1 tbsp soft butter
Comes out great every time

Made farmer cheese and potato and some blueberry


Yes, I saw the video. I noticed she said she didn't really measure.

It looked like she was adding quite a bit of flour while she was kneading it.
