Just got done canning 12 half-pints of Judy KY's Spicey Salsa. enjoyed it so much last year.


Well-known member
Too bad all my tomatoes were so sucky this year. Only can make stuff that uses chopped up or cooked tomatoes. Practically all my Romas have either Blossom-End Rot or some nasty black stuff inside near the blossom end. We have a soil test kit so we can check the pH. Next year we're trying a different plum tomato.http://eat.at/swap/forum12/12_Judys_Salsa

Thank you Luisa. Our tomatoes are not so

good this year either, they turn too soft and squishy real quick, they are actually soft and squishy when picked. I think that has something to do with all the rain we've had here this year. I have only managed to make 6 pints. With these soft tomatoes the salsa just isn't up to par.
