Just had a fun pizza night. Bases were brought over for everyone to spread and I had all the topp...


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ings ready.

Asian, blue cheese, rosemary and honey proved a fav.

Then baked butternut and toasted hazelnuts with bacon came in second......

stuffed squid cut into wee slices, olives, home made tomato sauce, grape tomatoes, pesto, smoked salmon, feta cheese, red onion rings, green spring onion tops, parmesan cheese, ham, pineapple (out the garden, I am proud to say)peppers in garlic oil, ...rub the oil around the edge as the pizza comes off the bake, tomatoes...and yes, some peproni for the traditional lovers...a white sauce from Ragu.....

torn basil leaves, arugula, poached chicken pieces

It was such a fun night.

We did these in the oven and on the open gas fire...gas fire actually was the best for crispiness.

The bases were brought over by our friends who have a dominos frnachise...I want to be able to buy bases from someplace as good as these and even preferable would be the thin cut bases...any suggestions.

My husband who was quite rude, really, at the begining of the evening....."us men, you want us to cook, what happened to our loving wives doing the meal for us' sort of nonsense..

he just does not cook...other than sushimi and putting BBQ on the fire with lots of instructions.......

was so enthralled we found him sneaking into the kitchen to make his 3rd pizza...he LOVED it so much.

So this will become an event every now and then......but I need great bases (as it is supposed to be a quick, spur of the moment evening I dont want to have to make my bases)

My Dad was a terrific cook and his Dad enjoyed prepping and cooking fish...this man I married really has not managed to be at ease in the kitchen. He is a great barman though, thank goodness.

Joanie, were your "bases" precooked? I got an email today from a bread class student who used my

(Julia's) pizza dough recipe and had a pizza party. He tried to roll out all the dough and stack it between waxed paper and ended up with a mess on his hands. I suggested next time he flatten the dough into discs to make rolling easier and cover with a towel, then roll out each pizza as needed.

It all comes down to oven space. I recall an article by L.A. Times food writer Russ Parsons describing his worst party ever--everyone made their own pizza. He was the slave in the kitchen cooking them in his little stove one at a time.

How big is your stove? This is a wonderful party idea that I could never attempt in my cramped kitchen with a standard range, unless I used pre-cooked Boboli-style pizza bases.

Pizza party....

... is our favorite way to entertain!

I actually make the dough early in the morning, and leave to rise in the fridge the whole day. ONe hour before the guests arrive, I grab the big bag of dough, divide each in 4 balls, and place on a kitchen table.

Usually I make the first pizza, to show the guests how much topping to add etc etc. then, all toppings are placed in that table, plus a big bowl of tomato sauce (I also make a small batch of bechamel sauce for a "pizza bianca" that has been QUITE a hit in these parties) -

we bake the pizzas one by one, using the outside gas grill as an oven - works like a charm!

In fact, I just blogged about it, if anyone is interested, you can jump here



I'll try this dough recipe...Thanx Sally.....thinking of doing Vatap next week. Just worried....

that my palm oil is going off...cant get any more here easily.

Joe, we mad a total of 18 pizzas...about 8" each..... I have one oven and one gas grill....

we just rotated...I can get 4 pizzas into my oven at once without crowding and 3 on the gas grill........the dough was pre-made domino's bread dough, the friend brought over the balls and each guest flattened the dough they were to top........just so easy and very yummy.
The guests were so enthusiastic ...8 of them...that they kept on making...far to much was left over in my opinion (about 3 only)but they took them home for the morning

I don't have any palm oil left....

... don't tell my Brazilian friends, but I have no problem leaving it out.... smileys/smile.gif

I've never made vatapa' myself (although enjoyed it plenty back home), but in my moqueca, if there's no palm oil, I just use olive oil, and once (heresy!) added some anatto seeds to the olive oil just to get a red tint
