Just learned last night that my cat likes babaganoosh! Is there anything in


Well-known member
it that might be harmful to him? He sat there licking it off my finger and didn't seem to mind the sour taste at all, not as much as I did! (It was store-bought, from a salad bar.) I make my own hummus, but have never been able to get the right taste for my babaganoosh.


I didn't take garlic in there, but I suppose I should ask the staff at the

store if it contains any. And no more babaganoush for kitty, anyway. No ill effects, so I guess the small amount he ate must've been ok. He's pretty big, too.

Mine have all loved cantaloupe. Had one that loved green beans

and another that would just about take me down for chocolate frozen yogurt or hot chili.

Love of raw onions

I use to have a cat that loved raw onions. White, red, green onions. Any kind.

My dogs LOVES anything with garlic and watermelon.

They say dogs shouldn't eat garlic because they'll loose their ability to smell (for a period of time after they ate garlic), but they really love it and I suspect it's good for them and really, why do they need their smell-abilities anyways. It's not like they are going to starve if they can't smell other animals' pee for 48 hours......
