months back and started ripping out the DRUG ONLY ads just to see how much of the magazine was taken over by them.
(This is sadly an example of how anal I am at times.)
So...135 annotated page the time I was done ripping out drug ads there were only 85 pages remaining and out of those 13 were full-size regular ads for moisturizer and stuff like that.
That's 50 pages of drug information, the majority of which I can't even tell what they're for.
It's conflicting to see an article that talks about healthy foods or exercising or looking out for your eyes (reason why I had the magazine) butting right up against ads for drugs that don't provide much insight at all. One article has you taking control of your life, while the ad next to it is turning it over to the drug company.
(This is sadly an example of how anal I am at times.)
So...135 annotated page the time I was done ripping out drug ads there were only 85 pages remaining and out of those 13 were full-size regular ads for moisturizer and stuff like that.
That's 50 pages of drug information, the majority of which I can't even tell what they're for.
It's conflicting to see an article that talks about healthy foods or exercising or looking out for your eyes (reason why I had the magazine) butting right up against ads for drugs that don't provide much insight at all. One article has you taking control of your life, while the ad next to it is turning it over to the drug company.