Shared sympathy, M. I made a special trip to a specialty meat market
over the break to see if they had:
1. Rendered lard (no)
2. Leaf lard (no)
3. Fat to make lard (yes)
When the counter clerk asked how much I wanted, she went back to the prime butcher and confirmed that I should get about 70% finished lard from the purchased fat. So I bought all they had.
Get it home, dice it up and notice there is a LOT of red meat. I had a suspicious memory recall then because the counterperson had yelled over to another helper to get "that bag of fat" from the freezer.
Why, oh why, don't I ever listen to my instincts?
I called them up, explained that I had been there an hour ago (it takes 50 minutes to drive home) and did they recall me? I was the person asking about lard? And did they know if they sold me PORK fat or BEEF fat? Because what I had under my knife looked awfully beefy.
And, yes...turns out they had sold me beef fat...which, personally, I would have called "suet" not lard. But if I came back..."we'll gladly replace it."
No....I wasn't going to spend 2 more hours and $14 worth of gas to get the right kind of fat. fresh apple pie that day.