Just wanted to share a picture of the ramen I had last night from Ramen Club

Lovely but I have a question

Tonkatsu is breaded and deep-fried pork. The broth in ramen is usually chicken but of course it could be anything. I am wondering how the broth was made from breaded, deep-fried pork??

I love ramen- we have a famous noodle shop here on Kauai called Hamura's Saimin- homemade ramen, rich, incredible chicken broth, all the trimmings. I am so hooked on it but would like to try this one from Heather.

My American friend but who is very Japanese always gets on my case about pronunciation!

Also I cannot for the life of me remember all of the funny or filthy phrases she tries to teach me. Fail! But after much practice I am ordering and eating my ramen correctly.
