Just went paper-free in the kitchen. Paper recipes, that is. I loaded all 3 Good Eatz Cookbooks and


Well-known member
my recipe files and info onto DropBox, enabled Drop Box on my new iPad and now only use that in the kitchen. It's fabulous. Anyone else done this yet? Can't believe I've waited this long.

Any suggestions? Ideas? I've put it into an Otterbox water-proof, dust-proof case and downloaded epi, a timer, a converter, a calculator, etc. to make it the full "on-line kitchen tool". I'm so excited, I could wet. (Thank goodness for Depends!)

I applaud you-I could never be trusted with sensitive electric equipment in my kitchen. Stuff flies!

I'm so envious. I have all my recipes in Living Cookbook

and so far I haven't found an easy way to download them to my ipad.

I think you could load it to Drop Box and open it with the same on your ipad. Amazingly easy.

All of my recipes are either Word docs or PDFs.

I will keep that in mind when we replace our NetBook

with an iPad.

Good Eatz 3? I have 1 & 2...

The rest of my recipes are in MasterCook,on a bookshelf, or in my head.

Oh, dear, and here I am, excited to print out a dozen new recipes.

I did try to bake via a recipe on our iPad, once. My husband did not react well to all the floury marks on it...

Oh, they have all kinds of ipad holders for the kitchen! Or, you could put it on one of those

Cookbook stands with the plexi shield.
