Karen, did you use the TJ's brined turkey? If so, how did it turn out for you?

I did not buy the brined turkey. I bought their natural bird and it was

the best turkey ever. It came out super moist and gave me lots of juice. Someone on another site warned me about commercially brined birds saying that she had some that had the texture and taste of lunch meat. She had never tried a TJ's brined bird, however.

Thanks Steve, what is it about the brined bird that makes it so special?

I was so pleased with the natural one, very moist breast meat, and a good fresh taste. I think it is one of the best birds I have had.

The brined bird was just exceptionally juicy without the too salty/mono-flavored issues I've

encountered when home-brining. I've never brined a bird in the past and because I always start off roasting poultry breast-side down, have never had a dry bird. (That said, I'm now clearly doomed to a future of nothing BUT dry bird. Dammit!)
