Karen, I'm voting for the Bento Box too. When I'm ill, I tend to loose my appetite >>>

and I think that the Bento Box is the only thing that would come remotely close to separate my lips.

I tend to like my meals liquid when I don't feel well. Smoothies, soup and tea. Thats my get-well-diet.

Karen, I'm voting for the Bento Box too. When I'm ill, I tend to loose my appetite >>>

and I think that the Bento Box is the only thing that would come remotely close to separate my lips.
I tend to like my meals liquid when I don't feel well. Smoothies, soup and tea. Thats my get-well-diet.

New York: Salmon patties with saffron cream sauce, rice, pumpkin, asparagus and banana cake?

Not your typical hospital food -- and most look pretty unhealthy (as I've found at many hospitals).

I can. I'd had ascites & had five liters of fluid drained out of my belly.

I hadn't been able to eat, sleep or breathe for a couple of months and on admission my nutritional status was poor. Once they got rid of the fluid I was ravenous. It was 10:00 p.m. & I had to be npo after midnight for tests. They found me a chicken salad plate & nothing ever tasted so good, plus I think I drank three cartons of grape juice.

There are different kinds of being sick.

Some comments inside....

The first up was "Germanay" and their "dumpling noodle dish called spatzle." Is this like "Tea, I drink with jam and bread?" After all it is "called" that...

The first thing I see is propaganda. spatzle is a mild noodle. Very soothing. Think Chicken Noodle Soup.

The second picture is Japan and something that "appears to be chicken." OK, your picture show is a near failure at this point.

Then Estonia, Britain, and Australia. No unkind words.

But wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jakarta: Noodles, chicken, eggs, broth and rice porridge, to be mixed together to make a soup. (How icky is that?)

Poland: A measley piece of bread with butter, pickle and sausage. (Looks about the tastiest to me so far!)

Norway: Untoasted bread, salad and what looks like a plain burger.

Oh these words were carefully, and xenophobically, chosen.

I would choose: Serbia, Poland, Japan, and Norway for my meals if I was sick in a hospital and I reject the propaganda.
