Kind of food related: Has anyone here tried to fast?


Well-known member
I want to try a juice fast, but I have never fasted before and I have no idea what to expect. I guess I won't know this until I have tried, but any information or tips in advance would be appreciated.

I've had limited experience with fasting and usually only before a medical test.

If you are drinking only juices and water expect your sugar level to spike and then drop quickly. You might want to consider having skim milk which will have calories needed for energy but also protein.

Even with drinking lots to keep the stomach full I experienced a feeling of being "empty".

Many years ago I followed a diet for a couple of weeks which included a liter of tomato juice and a liter of skim milk every day. That got old quite quickly. However, I think I lost a significant amount of weight after the 2 weeks.

I've fasted with just water for up to 4 days before. It's important to...

...get good advice, and perhaps read up on what you are attempting. I assume you've done that.

I have no experience with juice fasts, but my experiences were good. Your mindset has a lot to do with success, I think.

After the first day and night, I lost my hunger and craving for food. I went about my business normally.

How you break a fast is very important. You don't want to shock your digestive system with a steak dinner if you've been on an extended fast. Again, I have no experience with juice fasts, so I'd have to rely on what I read.

A trip to your doctor for her/his approval wouldn't hurt. Make sure you have no underlying issues that might cause problems.


I want to fast because of the cleansing effects for the body.

From what I have read, a juice fast is easier than a water fast as you do get some nutricients during the fast so you can overcome lightheadedness, nausea and other symptoms easier. I have to fast during work days, so I can't lie down and relax and take it easy as many fasts recommend. On the other hand, I will avoid the busiest days, because I don't think it will work for me if I choose my most stressful period at work.

Can you make your own juices? I would assume you don't want high sugar juice?

Hi Eva, this is what I did.

It's called the Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet. Cheezz just did it a few weeks/months ago. I think she stayed on it for 5 or 6 days and I stayed on it for 21 days. Gayle/MO was the one who told me about it. I really liked it and I felt good while I was on it. You might want to start it on a Saturday, unless you work weekends. By Monday, it will be a breeze. I was never hungry or had food cravings. Michael is right about easing back into food. The first few days, you are supposed to eat some vegetable juice and veggies. About the 3 or 4th day, you should be able to resume eating normally. Here is a site that explains it pretty well. I am not advocating buying anything from this site because it isn't necessary. I was able to find everything at the grocery store.

I wanted to do it as a kick-off to weight loss. After 6 days I lost 2 lbs... so wasn't

worth it for that, BUT - it cleans out your whole system so amazingly that I would definitely do it again for that. I intend to start it again this month and hope to do it regularly. The Master Cleanse is basically lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne. You can get the big jug of maple syrup at Trader Joes fairly cheaply (you use a lot of it) and I would suggest getting the cayenne capsules at your local health food or vitamin store as cayenne pepper IN the lemonade mix not only burns your throat but tastes awful. I also think it is crucial to do the salt water flush with it as recommended. 4 cups of water with 2 tbl. salt (sea salt) -- I dissolved the water in 3 cups of water (sip slowly or it won't stay down) and follow with 1 cup plain water to rinse out your mouth. I used a straw as it was easier for me to drink it.

Like Cheezz, I did Master Cleanse (for 3 days) in an

attempt to destabilize my metabolism. I have been gaining a pound or two, little by little, and haven't been able to lose any weight by eating well and eating less.

***** It is recommended to do the Master Cleanse for 10 days.*****

I had no problem keeping with the program. I was not hungry, used ingredients from the grocery store, and ended up losing 7 pounds which I have kept off over the last 2 weeks.

After the first 3 days, I ate veggie soup, salads, raw and cooked veggies, took probiotics, and drank juice for a week. Over the last week I added bread and meats back in.

For me, the lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne and water kept my hunger at bay. I made each mixture fresh, adding the cayenne at the last minute before quickly downing the drink through a straw. (Taking the cayenne separately in a gel capsule is not recommended.)

The two quarts of warm water with 2 tsp of sea salt first thing in the morning was easy for me to drink and it worked wonders!

Thanks to GayleMO for the info and links! Colleen

Thank you all for your feed back. I'm glad it worked for all of you but for me I'm not so sure.....
