Judy, I meant no disrespect to 3rd party; I have seen your beautiful pieces. I just had 2 recent
issues, as a result of the busy season. One order was cancelled by amazon directly (2 days after I placed), saying they do not trust the seller. The second was for an order I was about to pull the trigger on for my daughter. I was hemming and hawing, had in cart, and hoping that over the days, the price would reduce. I happened to be watching tv, and a segment had the item highlighted, and suggested. Went quickly on amazon, all of the Amazon inventory was completely sold out, and only sold by 3rd party sellers for literally 400% of the normal price.
Sorry, Judy, I really did not mean any disrespect for all 3rd party. It was just recent frustrations. Best of luck using Amazon. I am sure it has opened doors to many to see and purchase your beautiful work.