King Arthur has FREE shipping today only, NO minimum order. Yay!

This offer is only good with a link with the offer (as above)

Thanks for the reminder, Marilyn.

I tried to place an order using the 800 number and since there was no promo code, the offer was not good -- I had to go back online to place the order and avoid shipping costs.

Thank you! I was just about ready to place an order! Judy Mass, you here??? about yeast...

Do you have any recommendations for yeast, sourdough starters, salt-rising bread yeast, etc. from King Arthur?

Yipee, I got my hazelnut praline AND a sourdough starter that won't take me 14 days to make. NOTE >>

My order took a while to process...I think a lot of folks are hitting their site. I shut the link down 3 times before finally getting it all in.

Then....the terms of agreement says the shipping cost (ground option is the only valid one for this freebie) will come off when you check-out after doing the online order and entering your charge number. Mine DID NOT. I called the 1-800 number immediately and a very nice person removed the $10 charge from my order--stat.

hmmmm, thanks for the info. I think you're right about their

Web site getting trashed by too many people hitting on it. I have a very fast connection and I'm sitting here spinning my wheels and getting temporary not available screens, etc.

Did you get the 250-year old starter? I've been wanting to try that for years and finally decided to order it.


Richard, not Judy but I've used the Pain de Compagne starter in the packet and really

liked it and I love their French flour for french/sourdough bread. I rarely order it because the shipping to Texas is so expensive for heavy stuff.

I bought that starter a few weeks ago and it's terrific!!! It comes with 2 recipes and they are

both great!
Think I'm going to get the crock - thought I could make do with something else, but it's a tad small.
Also, the dried fruit looks good.
I bought the lime powder and lemon powder last time.
Both exploded in my box - what a mess!!! But, it smelled good! Took forever to wipe down all of the flour packages.
Also got tons of different flours as I want to hit up the Macrena Bakery Baking book for inspiration.
There were some really interesting recipes, but all needed starter.
Happy Baking!

Ok, no fair. you just made this Alaska girl cry. although, I am saving money by not ordering.

Make "Wallis & Gromit" cheese communion wafers with the iron....

Use any tasty "cheese cracker" dough that is sliced thin then baked. Only in this scenario, simply put that piece of unbaked dough between the hot iron and press. Lots of fat will ooze out (have paper towels handy), but the resulting thin wafer will crisp up and immediately send you into "CCE arrest" (crispy cheese eurphoia). Well, it will if you like cheese.

PS: I've only made it with cheddars & cayenne; have no clue if other cheeses work as well.
