I finally made this. I had a couple problems, all my fault. First, I didn't have enough oil so had to shallow fry. That wouldn't have been so bad if I had not made an additional error - failing to separate the wings into segments. In fact, I didn't even fold up the first batch. To make matters worse, the wings were really big. I loved the crispy coating. When I tasted the sauce I thought it was going to be too spicy for me but once on the chicken it was great. I have wings left over because when if I'm going to make that much mess in the kitchen I want a to end up with a lot of food. I did not sauce the extra wings. I have some in the refrigerator for dinner in a couple days and some in the freezer for later. I'm assuming the sauce will keep in the refrigerator for a good couple weeks - agree? Also, I made a double batch of sauce so have more than I need for the chicken. Can anyone recommend another good use?