KRC: (Kitchn-Related Chat) Every time I buy a foam soap


Well-known member
dispenser (eg. Softsoap), it never gives foam for more than a day or two. I know this isn't very important in the larger scheme of things, but it's annoying. It squirt diluted liquid soap after that, no foam at all. It seems it isn't getting enough air.

Has anyone else ever had this happen, or is it just me?! Is it clogged, and can I clean it, shorten the line, anything? TIA

Never had that happen. I don't purchase the expensive ones in Bed and Bath, etc... Just the

dollar store. Perhaps it was in the sun?? Completely guessing here. I used to have a huge stash when I worked at J&J; (company store prices were hard to beat!) Anyway, I noticed over time the color would change, but not the texture. In other words, the deep blue ended a medium shade. The foam still worked. So guessing it is not age of the product, maybe the storage in the warehouse??

I'd call the manufacturer. Often they'll either send coupons or a refund. smileys/smile.gif

Yes, I am one of *those* people.

I am one of those people too, and proud of it. I call companies when a product

is not perfect. After all, they got my perfect was not flawed in any way, ready to go and work for them. I expect the same from any product I buy. I always get good results...usually several coupons for product replacement, plus others that add up to a money savings. After all, we all work hard for our money.

Dawn, here's an answer on how the pump action works

One chamber draws the soap (no problem with yours), the other chamber draws air. Maybe you can try thinning the liquid down?

Or try your idea of cutting the tube a bit shorter. Perhaps it originally works because there is already soap and air in the chamber. Once you've dispersed it and the air is not replaced, it can't create the foam anymore.

Thanks everyone. It is a cheapo brand, but still aggrevating. I put the liquid in an old bottle of

foam "Dawn" and not only does it work, it is a personalized container too ;o)

Must be the mechanism for drawing up the air is not working correctly. Diluting didn't help. Neither did soaking it.

Thanks for the tips though. I will call the manufacturer this week.

I have an old Dawn foam dispenser I've used to death!

As long as the soap:water ratio is proper, I still get foam! Wonder why you don't?
