Labor of Love: Julia's Boeuf Bourguinon


Well-known member
Last Sunday I made Julia's Boeuf Bourguinon recipe. I've made it before but always with shortcuts. This time I went A-Z from Julia & Jacques Cooking at Home cookbook. I think it was 5 pages. I started with homemade rich beef stock from roasted bones and veggies. I won't go through the entire process here but suffice it to say it took almost 6 hours to complete this fabulous stew. The ingredients were hideously expensive (18 tiny white onions for $10, etc) but I wanted to do it right. I did. The end result was as good a beef stew as I will ever hope to make or eat. The flavors so intense and wonderful, the beef fork-tender. Try it sometime- the long day of cooking is worth the time. Every bite.

When I was a young girl, I had an aunt who was way ahead of her time with her knowledge of cooking

and gardening. One day for lunch (yes, lunch) she served this wonderful dish to our family. It was the very thing that peaked my interest in cooking. All the ingredients were cut the same size, it was simply awesome and I was fascinated with it. I had no idea who Julia Child was. I asked my aunt for the recipe, and she gave it to me. I kept that treasured recipe for many, many years but never made it. After marriage, kids, and a more experienced cook, I bought one of Julia's book, and while looking through it, I saw the same recipe my aunt had given me. What a find! I have yet to make the exact recipe, but you sure brought back a wonderful memory for me.

Agreed! It's so very good. Well worth the time and expense....(for the right guests, lol). Nice job,


Brava! I haven't tried this particular version, but I do a mash-up

of all her earlier versions and the results are worth every minute. Also, you can slow down the process, cook it in stages, and it is even better reheated!

Yes it was even better the second day....and the third. More inside

The thing about Julia's recipes first of all is there are no shortcuts, second of all her recipes WORK. Always. Never tried one that didn't. There was so much quality testing of them done that they are foolproof. Like I said I've made this stew many times but always used shortcuts- it was fun to go the gamut with this classic dish this time.

Haven't made Chicken Kiev in a very long time.....probably time to pull that one out again too. I like to make sure I still know how to make the classics.
