A friend sent me a recipe for roasting a leg of lamb, inserting slivers of garlic (nothing surprising there) but additionally three anchovies, slivered and stuffed in the same slit as the garlic. The recipe called for putting the lamb in a roasting pan with a cup of water (why?) putting evoo on potatoes and adding them to the pan. Cooking at 450 for 20 minutes, then adding zucchini, reducing temp to 350 and cooking for 1-11/2 hrs til 135*
Why not roast the potatoes w/o the water? Wouldn't the evoo come off in the water? Will the lamb be overdone at 135* with continuing cooking during the resting period?
Why not roast the potatoes w/o the water? Wouldn't the evoo come off in the water? Will the lamb be overdone at 135* with continuing cooking during the resting period?