Larder Barter post started for Pat. Unfortunately I made a spelling error in the subject line :-(

Super, I added an item and will add more.

What do you think about putting things in categories?

pots and pans
table ware

Maria, I get the following error message when clicking the link:

"You do not have permission to view the specified forum."

It also strangely shows that I'm not logged in, but I am. When I'm on this page or click any of the other forums, it shows I'm logged in.

Right now she is not in a perm location; later when things get more settled we can ship actual goods

In the Larder Barter we could start making a list of duplicate items that we might be able to offer, be it kitchen items, or whatever. Then when she is settled at least into a temp location (she isn't yet) and has a place for them we can ship. When the weather turns cooler, that will bring a different set of issues too.

Later still, when she is back in her house/perm location (and this might not be feasible - Joe many know) maybe we could send cuttings from plants or whatever because all landscaping will need to be replaced. Also, then maybe cookbooks/heavier items or something she won't need to move around from several temp locations.

From what I've read these things take quite a bit of time. We had a house burn on our block and it was over a yr before they were back in it.
