Lasagne and the hungry mob: Red wine saved the day!!!


Well-known member
Why do things just seem to go awry when all plans have been carefully laid??????

Anyway to cut a long and frustrating story short...

I have one lodger with hollow legs (he is 6' 4" and thin as a rake)

One sweet daughter who is a great help (thank goodness)

Four friends of DD who flew in late in the afternoon to stay a week and, as expected, were extremely hungry.

One dear husband who sweetly had the extra car sent in for service just the time I need to shop/work all day/cook for the "Hungries" and who is like a little boy himself with an awful bout of cold/flu!!!!

Well DD picked up the mob from the airport and they shopped for the supper ingredients as well as loads of food and drink for the week and we all arrived home about the same time ...7.00pm.....First, the unloading and packing away took sometime and the supper prep started...7 of us in the kitchen plus hungry dog and cat around our feet.....DH put himself on the sofa (poor darling: but he usually feeds the animals!)

Lasagne was planned and shopped for and now there was no other alternative BUT to start the meal.....

The really good recipe I have has the meat cooking for an hour, the sauce cooks for about that time and the finished dish should cook for about 3/4 of an hour......

Well, I had to cut the entire prep and cooking time down...and thank goodness it all worked out very scrumptious...WHY?????...because I used 3/4 of a bottle red wine in the meat and half a bottle red wine in the tomato sauce......and the mob made sangria which we quaffed until the meal was cooked and ready!!!! I wish there were left-overs for today's lunch. And NO none of us has a headache.

Red wine saved the day!

Doesn't it always? Joanie, what a great memory this will be, once you recover your nerves.
