Like Pinterest, is there a way to save a recipe from this site?...


Active member
I've found so many recipes that I would like to try, but I either forget about them, or I have forgotten the name of the recipe. It would be so nice to have someplace to store them easily.

What do you do?


I'm scared to start using Pinterest

I spend too much time in front of the computer already so here's two ways I save recipes to try:

1. copy and paste into a word file, save the files in my hard drive
2. save the site as a bookmark in a files called recipes to try; change the title from the web address to the name of the recipe

I'm working on something for this which you can test out?

send me an email if you'd like to try it out:

I print them out and toss into a to do file folder. Every couple of months

I go through the folder and toss out things that no longer appeal to me.

So many recipes, so little time. I reuse the paper, printing on the backside of the recipe I no longer want.

That's what I do as well. Or, you can keep a list of recipes on this site you want to remember,...

...and copy and paste the URL for those recipes in a Word doc, or whatever you have that you use for word processing.

That way you can copy and paste the URL into your browser and the recipe will come up.


I either copy/paste into Word, or hit the 'print message' selection on the left under options and

when the print window pops up I select 'print as pdf' to save it in a file folder on my desktop.

That's what I do sometimes with the links in a Word doc - and then make a note of the

title above the link so I can remember what it is without clicking through.

I paste the whole recipe into a Word document, and have a document for each type of recipe

e.g. Beef, Cookies, Fish, whatever. When I find a new recipe I want to keep, I just paste it into the appropriate document in my Recipes folder.

I keep a copy on my backup and on a USB drive, and I also uploaded them to my Google Drive. The advantage of that is that my daughters can find my recipes even if I am not available, or not near my computer.
The image is the first part of my recipes file on Google Drive.
