Living in Alberta - it is -30 degrees. On the positive side

And also on the positive side...

- that's "only" -22 degrees F

- if you blow bubbles ouside, they instantaneoulsy freeze at that temperature, shrivel, and land on the snow without breaking (my college friends and I tried it way back when)

- no pesky misquitos!

-less crime!

- you burn more calories in the cold, shivering to keep warm

Saty warm, sit by a fire? and sip hot cocoa ;o)

definitely sounds better in imperial ...

the cocoa is wine; and we're about to eat Mahogany Beef Stew.
Thanks for being positive Dawn.
Must try the bubbles tomorrow.


I'm laughing soooo hard here! Some times I feel like I'm from a different

world. I think it was 83 here today. So Oli...if emtd was having a heat wave I just have to know, what was your temp? LOL

Chilly weather gives one a rosey glow which is adorable...81 today and sweat is just not pretty.
