Local Mexican Meat Market-Whole Chicken breasts 2.49!!


Well-known member
I buy nearly all my chicken and steak from my local Mexican market. The breasts are not pumped full of saline and are as big as a plate. Limes were 5 for a dollar and as big as your fist. Roma's were 99 cents a pound. I think the big grocery stores are throwing out more than they are selling. The butcher will cut steaks to order and are about a third less than the Kroger I use. I do sometimes have a communication problem, but they are very patient with me. Shop local.

The other day I needed only garlic and limes. I went to a nearby Mexican supermarket because it was

only a few blocks away, and bought 3 heads of garlic and 5 small limes for 68 cents, total.

Why oh why don't I go there more often?

You're right, Lindy. Take a look at the local guys.

I got a bonus surprise shopping at the local Chinese grocery store for meat.

Putting the frozen chicken I had bought in a sink of water to thaw, I turned away, then noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly...

...a head slowly rotated out from under the carcass and bobbed to the surface of the water, beady eyes glazed over. Then the feet showed up!

Now I have no shame admitting I'm a city girl. I buy my chickens already cut, wrapped & sealed and closest I get to "original packaging" is the little Cracker Jack giblets prize tucked inside the cavity.

No one told me I would have to "Marie Antoinette" my own chicken.

Definitely, and don't forget the Mom&Pop Indian Grocery for spices!

A fraction of the cost in the chain markets. Also for bulk lentils, rice, etc. Great prices. And great scents in the air with all the spices and incense!

I always loved going in one that used to be close to my home. Lot's of times there would

be crabs that had escaped out of the baskets by the meat counter loose in the store.
