LOL - our big anniversary party was last night but our caterer thought it was Aug. 6th


Well-known member
which I found out when I called to see why they were late. Although every time we've met to discuss the party (which is nearly weekly because we eat there every week) we say Saturday August 2nd, the contract did say the 6th so it was TOTALLY our fault.

I wasn't worried about the food- we would have just ordered pizza, chicken and ribs from a local place and served a later meal.

But the caterer/restaurant, being totally awesome, put together almost our complete dinner and had it delivered within an hour and the 14 guests that were staying with us pitched in with quickly setting it up and helped the two restaurant staff all night. They played bartender, waitstaff and dessert servers. And totally charmed the guests with their over the top care.

Feeling so blessed for their friendship.

I did have a quick cry when I found out, though not at all about the food, just the terrible position we had put the restaurant in. We would have totally understood if they couldn't have done it last night.

None of the guests would have had a clue their was a mishap had we not said anything - the food was amazing and plentiful and the everyone wanted to know where it was from and are sure to go there in the future.

My parents and sisters will never let me live this one down - LOL:) Last night it was around 80 - tonight we are down to about 25:)

That's a great story. I'm sure the restaurant appreciates your flexibility and loyalty as much

as you appreciate their quick save-the-day service.

What a great caterer! Wow, you are blessed! This somewhat reminds me

of my sister in law. She keeps getting the anniversary years mixed up of my husband and I. I've corrected her before but her card this year shows she is still mixed up.

We decided we're not going to tell her because we don't want a party on our 50th. We'll let it go by quietly, then 2 years afterward when she really thinks it's our 50th, we can tell her it's already over! ha ha ha ha ha

Belated Happy Anniversary. Glad your special day ended up more spectacular thanks to loving friends

and a generous restaurant. Cheers!

Post this on their Yelp page. It's rare to see these kind of gestures recognized there.

I would be a customer there til they closed business! Be sure and Yelp them smileys/smile.gif

First of all, congratulations!!!!! (more inside)

agree with Traca, Joe and chezz.... people normally write negative reviews, but what they did for you was sooooooo special and wonderful, you should spread the word

I am amazed, they would have every reason to say "sorry, we cannot do anything about it", instead, they rose to the challenge! Awesome1

That's really going beyond. So impressive. Do you live in a small community? I feel

so thrilled to learn that this kind of care still exists.

Good story!

Huge Cheers to your anniversary party! While I understand the importance to recognize the caterers,,

it is so important to recognize your huge milestone. Bravo!
Happy Anniversary!
Amazing job with the caterers....

How did your desserts work out????

Congrats again.... Very cool!

Dessert Buffet was a huge hit....

One of our friends that basically hosted the dessert room created beautiful dessert laden plates for each guests (led by the guests pointing to what they'd like). Big portions! Then most guests came back for more:) I took that as a big compliment.

One couple brought a HUGE Jar filled to the brim with jelly bellies, M & M's and chocolate covered dried cherries and blueberries. That was a hit too.

Every time I see my darling neighbor kids outside (between the ages of 5 and smileys/bigeyes.gif I ask them if they know of any little kids that might like to grab a fistful of candies:) I love it when they then come and take some - such joy on their faces. I figure I've got a week's worth left for them:)

Thanks for asking!
