Longest.Weekend.Ever. Storm hit on Thursday, three days without power.


Well-known member
No heat, electricity, or hot water. My DH is now highly motivated to put in a gas water heater. smileys/smile.gif Soooo glad when the power came back on.

Awww, I feel your pain Amanda. Several years ago when "Wilma" hit

our area and wiped out our screen room and power for 2 weeks we were sooooo thankful for our gas hot water heater and stove.

Oh my goodness (((Amanda))) Our power went off here for a few hours

the other day, and I realized how dependent I am on all of my electronic "stuff".

What did Liam think of all of it?

The first hurricane we endured while in NC

was Bertha. We had no electricity, water, AC for several days. AND my M-I-L was visiting. I could just picture her going back to MO and telling everyone how we lived in the south and how she wasn't even allowed to flush the toilet, ROFL.

On the upside, we discovered that it was a plus to live in the same power grid as a fire station, hospital and the power company offices. We were always first to get power back after storms.

And who knew that marshmallows toasted over candles could taste so good?

Brrrrrr! Out here gas is cheaper to run than electric...

maybe that might be some motivation. Back when we had our all electric condo we use to multi-task by doing laundry in the evenings so we could run the dryer to help heat the place. It was so mucb cheaper when we moved to a bigger place that used gas.

Brings back (not great) memories - I'm really feeling for you

About 12 years back we were out for 4 or 5 days. Thanks goodness it was at least in the summer.

Amanda, I feel for you. 40 degrees inside is awfully cold. I'm glad you have the fireplace.
