Look at this really inventive idea for pallette gardening. Wish I still had my garden

Very nice! Wishing I could convince hubby to add one more garden

but he's basically said no more cutting up of the yard. In the last 10 years he's built (well, had built) 3 very large 'cutting gardens' and a rose garden.

I would like a veggie garden though (although past experience seems to be the only thing I can grow are tomatoes.

Thanks for sharing!

I suggest: plant some veggies in amongst the cutting stuff, or around the edges. . .

don't start with a lot, just maybe a tomato or two, a pepper, some basil, a bush summer squash (ONLY ONE--ha, ha, anyone that has grown summer squash will know what I mean here).

Baby lettuce is easy to grow too, just cut it early and often.

Try to plant your veggie plants where you can easily access them and keep an eye on them and water them well.

Tell him veggie prices are set to double due to the drought here...maybe that'll help. smileys/smile.gif

Plus, some things might not be available, melons for example. They showed farmers on the news saying they didn't have the water to plant them. Right now we can get things from SA, but in summer, it'll be just here.
