Looking for 2 people to go to State Bird Provisions with me



I have been trying to get a reservation since Traca mentioned it in Thread #25591. It seems as if reservations for parties of 1 or 2 are only available after 9:30pm so I took a reservation for 3 on Monday March 24th at 5:30. I posted a link to the restaurant, FYI. Check out their press link and reviews on yelp and urbanspoon if you are interested.http://statebirdsf.com/about/

Shoot me an e-mail. I have a friend in SF who might like to go.

seattletallpoppy at gmail dot com

That would be great.

I'm still waiting to hear back from one couple. I stay in their condo. They are usually not there but may come down for that day. They will let me know in a week or so. The reservation is for 3. Do you know someone else that would like to join us? If State Bird doesn't work out maybe we can meet somewhere else on a different day. Email me at cindydvm at hotmail dot com.
