Looking for a coffee substitute. Has anyone tried Dandy Blend or recommend

I have roasted garbanzo beans /chick peas

surprisingly similar to coffee. I even sweetened it up and gave it to my kids who enjoyed it. I'm not sure on the nutritional side how garbanzo beans are wrt blood sugar but there is no caffeine.

Try roasted barley tea, Postum (is is still made?), different herbal blends. . .

You could try rooibos (red bush) or honey bush tea. Nothing really tastes exactly like coffee or real tea, so I have found it is a matter of trying many different types of teas/herbal blends/coffee substitutes to find something that I like the taste of. Plus, give the non-coffee stuff a while for your taste buds to get acclimated to it (go cold turkey off of the coffee or decaff coffee).

A question if I am not too nosy in asking it: Do you find that decaf coffee makes your blood sugar swing *or* that you do not like the flavor of decaf or do you want to avoid the (usual) chemical(s) used to decaffeinate coffee.? If it is a flavor (or lack thereof) of decaf, try different styles/roasts/grinds of decaf coffee, or brew it stronger or try cold water extraction. If it is the chemicals, look for carbon dioxide decaffeinated coffee.

And of course you must look at what you put *into* your cup of coffee as well. I am not saying that you do this but some people put a LOT of sugar or sugar substitute in their coffee, and of course the sugar affects your blood sugar (and they are finding that sugar subs can do this also).

When I go for a hot drink in the evening, I use a good quality decaf coffee or some spiced redbush (rooibos) tea and I will be danged if an Irish Coffee doesn't taste fine with coffee maded from good, freshly ground, decaffeinated beans.

I find that as nothing tastes like something with caffeine in it because there is a certain "bitter" component of taste added by caffeine; this makes decaf coffees/teas taste like they are too "soft" to me. So, sometimes for me (and maybe for you?) it is best to go with something completely different tasting, and go cold turkey off of the coffee or "real" tea.

Consider it an adventure and have fun and good luck finding something new to drink in the morning!

Thank you, Mistral, I actually

did go cold turkey from coffee and tea in January but have been missing the associated cup of coffee first thing in the morning (though not missing what the caffeine does to me before I can even get to about the 5th sip -- I guess I'm *kinda* sensitive...lol) . Don't care for the flavor of decaf at all (have tried quite a number of decafs) so that becomes a "why bother". Rooibos and other teas didn't do it for me either. Also, I don't usually add sugar (nor sugar substitutes) at all to my coffee so it's not the sugar. And on top of all that I'm dealing with a health issue and coffee is no good as there is a correlation between coffee drinking leading to calcium loss from the bones worsening the condition. So I'm looking for alternatives that may taste like coffee but not have the "bad" properties I'm trying to avoid. Am gonna try the Dandy Blend (an herbal substitute) that many say tastes like coffee and see if it's a fit for me. Was hoping someone here had tried it and could give me feedback before I buy a bag of it and find out it's possibly not very good. smileys/wink.gif Will also look into Postum. Thanks for your help, Mistral.

Sadly, I also have to limit my caffeine consumption.

I say sadly because I love strong black good-quality coffee. When I began having heart rhythm abnormalities (not dangerous but scary) I decreased my caffeine intake by abut 2/3. I can still drink 2 small cups of coffee in the morning, if they are not too strong, but then I switch to decaf. I order my coffee from Peet's and find the decaf Major Dickason's Blend acceptable, not great, but good enough. I'll be interested to hear how you liked what you are trying.

I tried it on a whim when I had to quit coffee before/after surgery a few years back

I had read about it online somewhere and was surprised both by the taste and by how nicely it ground up like coffee. If you can't find it roasted, or don't have a roaster I can roast some and mail it to you.

Tried the Dandy Blend today and liked it. Got lucky finding it at

a local health food store. Not nearly as good a price as online but now that I like it I'll place an online order. It actually tastes quite good. Thanks to all for your help.

I wish decaf

were an option for me but I just don't like the taste. I'd almost rather not drink coffee than drink decaf. But next time I'm at Peets I'll ask them for a taste of the one you like and see if it's better than most I've had. Thanks for the recommendation. If you want to try the Dandy Blend I can send you a little sample.

What a lovely offer, Paul,

I'll see if I can find some locally first. Or heck, I could actually give it a shot myself. I found this article which talks about making your own coffee with dandelion root and chickory which is exactly what's in the Dandy Blend so no wonder it tastes like coffee to me (minus the caffeine and harmful properties). smileys/smile.gif The article also tells a bit about roasting garbanzo beans to make coffee but doesn't say how long to roast them. Do you let them get dark or just a light golden brown?


when I did it I was surprised to get an oily french roast

from the garbanzo beans. Very surprising to see the oil come out. Not to be contradictory to that article but for "real" coffee I like a medium roast generally and don't like the burnt taste of a french or italian roast. So if I were to do it again, I would experiment and see what came out best. Most people who roast coffee do not like a "baked" taste and a 350 oven would definitely not make for good coffee roasting IMHO. But perhaps with garbanzo or dandelion that would be different. I suspect otherwise.

trade you

I'll send some of the decaf. Do you prefer ground or whole bean? If ground, drip or press?

my email: cindydvm@hotmail.com

I just roasted the garbanzos and ground them like regular coffee

I did actually find chicory at a local market and added that which was nice but I still drink coffee all day and into the night. Next time I am out I'll buy some dry garbanzos and roast them a couple of ways and let you know how it comes out. Do you like a medium or dark roast?

I find that the Kona decaf from Fresh Market doesn't taste like decaf. Or maybe I have defective

taste buds. I buy it when we have caffeine intolerant guests. One guy was getting really wired on it until I broke it to him that he was drinking decaf.
