Lost a 25 foot tall mesquite tree in our front yard on Saturday. No other damage from the storm...

Michael, our news showed a massive dust storm crossing Phoenix. Was that separate from the rains?

Definitely a quirky season, we had an extremely mild summer, turning off the ac many times. Very unusual for us.

A huge tree fell in our neighborhood too. Took over two driveways. It was massive

I wonder what our winter will be like in the western states area?

After Hurricane Sandy, we learned some really creative / artistic uses for wood. We were in

"Cleanup" mode at the time, (And too worried about loss of power, schools closed, no water, etc) so it really never occurred to us to save any. BUT, I have seen some lovely pieces. They have made the wood into bowls (Using a lathe), gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous bar tables / benches, etc..... Fun ideas before you chip up your tree....Although I have know idea about mesquite trees

(Sorry that it came down!)

Michael, is your neighbor on lower ground? We live on a plateau, so danger of flooding is minimal,

however, one year a drainage canal became clogged with downed trees and the storm drains filled up and water started backing into our driveway. We worked in the pouring rain for two hours to clear debris from the storm drain entrance. Our neighbors across the street, who sit higher than us were fine. Since then, whenever we have looked at lots, we look for the ones on highest ground in the area. Life experiences make us wiser, for sure. We never did build another home, but we did learn.

We lost a huge double trunk Spruce last week too. fell over and the top rested on neighbor's shed

luckily no damage to anything, and DH got to rev up the chainsaw. we had to push down the big root mass that came up with the tree.

Barbra, a typical summer monsoon begins with what is called an "haboob", which is...

...an arabic name for a massive dust storm. The rain usually follows the dust storm, but not always. Sometimes all we get is storm clouds, wind and lots and lots of lightening.

We were in San Diego when this storm came through. It was a pacific storm from California, but the meteorologists say it picked up the moisture in the atmosphere from our monsoons and blasted the heck out of our area.


Karen, Phoenix is a weird place. They built many of these neighborhoods in the...

...1950s, and they graded the lots at different levels.

My house is higher than my neighbor to the west, but lower than my neighbor to the east.

We live in a flat desert basin, surrounded by desert mountains. It's like a bowl. The water drains from the mountains into washes. They run (generally) toward the river basins, which are dry unless we get a lot of rain.

Crazy place.


I have not been to Phoenix, but to Tuscon and Oro Valley. Very nice area. Peggy Bucholtz

(remember her) moved there from Clackamas in OR. We went to visit her and thought the area was very nice. I am not a desert person, but I loved my visit there.
