Low Carb Cookbook Recommendation: Low Carb Gourmet by Karen Barnaby...


Well-known member
Several people were asking about suggestions. I've reviewed/skimmed dozens of low carb cookbooks out of the library over the past couple months and this is the one that finally popped out.

Karen Baraby is an award-winning Canadian chef based in Vancouver, so her approach to creating low-carb recipes for her own weight loss of 70 lbs. combined with her training and experience creating quality food meet in this cookbook.

Unfortunately, it also appears to be out of print. If you can find a copy at your library, the recipes are original and imaginative, emphasisizing quality ingredients and good food. Plus, she gives really nice themed menus for low carb dinner parties that most people would not even be aware of that they were eating "low carb".

I really appreciate her recipes to make your own low carb chocolate bars, ketchup, etc. instead of relying on the chemical concoctions being peddled on the market that I do not buy.

I also like how she reimagines "tastes" of favorite old high carb dishes to get transfer that taste to a new vehicle so that one can continue to enjoy it. For example, the taste of Spaghetti carbonara is transformed into a casserole with spaghetti squash as the vehicle. She goes beyond the usual low-carb uses of cauliflower using this concept.

Really busy right now, but I'll try to post some of the recipes that I liked in the WOES low-carb section sometime soon.

We just checked out a new one from the library called "The Sweet Life - Diabetes Without Boundaries"

...written by Sam Talbot.

He was diagnosed as Type 1 diabetic when he was 12. He is a professional chef and we are drooling over the recipes we are reading.

His philosophy is that eating low carb should never be boring, and is a healthy way to approach eating for life, whether you are diabetic or not.

I'm looking forward to trying some of the recipes and plan to buy the book if all goes well. Sure looks good!



You may want to check this great used book website


I have been buying used books from this site since the mid 1990's...they are great to deal with. Looks like it is available for around $14-16 including shipping. There are even new editions available from the UK.

Thanks for posting Richard. I'm low carbing it too these days.

Staying away from the board for a while so as not to be tempted!
3 weeks, 12 lbs. 8 more to go smileys/smile.gif

I ordered it too...looks like a great low carb cookbook.

Thank you for the great recommendation Richard.
