Low Carb Interest?


Well-known member
Yes, it's so been there done that yesterday, and I know, me, King of the Potatoes, low carb?

But I have lost 40 lbs. since June and am on a roll (not eating the roll). I have been experimenting and playing with the concepts and would love to exchange ideas, techniques, and recipes with anyone else who is low carbing. Most of the stuff out on the internet is bizarre, weird, or junk (I don't eat processed foods).

And yes, I took a big break when I was in Europe for 3 weeks and stuffed all of the potatoes, knoedles, pretzels, streudel, sweets, and beer into myself that I wanted. Net gain over the 3 weeks was 5 lbs, but I've since long ago taken that back off and working on the next 40.

Get in touch if you're interested.

Congrats on your achievement! Yes, I too saw great results low-carbing in the past. South Beach

diet was where I started and of course once you get the hang of low-carbing, you can pretty much tailor most recipes and/or meals to meet your low-carb objective. At first I thought it would be difficult for me to cut out the *whites*...white rice, pasta, sugar, bread (all the refined stuff), but in the end, it wasn't hard at all. And after a few weeks I started bringing back the carbs but more whole grain carbs (which are nutritionally better for us anyway) and learned a whole new appreciation for the whole grains.

Have you peeked at any of the South Beach diet books? Are there recipes in particular that you are looking for? Dinner? Lunch? I'd be happy to send along any recipes you might be looking for but pretty much what I followed was eating lean proteins, lots of veggies and salads and occasionally some whole grains. Worked very well and I always felt satisfied, and never hungry or deprived.....I don't *do* deprived very well....LOL.

Old hat, but my grandfather was a physician and the only

two diets he believed in or did were Atkins and The Zone. The Zone being fairly high protein and limited low-glycemic index carbs. Low carb doesn't fit with the "politically correct" recommendations, but it works and the labwork proves it reduces cardiac risk also.

Low-carb/no-carb was a staple waaaay back with bodybuilders. It morphed...

...over the years into what is now known as the South Beach diet.

Back in the 70's and 80's bodybuilders successfully ate medium-to-high protein, zero-processed carbs, green veggie and whole grain diets. It was the bodybuilding community that coined the "white death" phrase, meaning sugar, salt and white flour.

It has always been a good thing, unless you go overboard on the red meats and saturated fats. I never bought the claim that you can eat all the red meat, pork and organ meats you want and stay healthy. Even Atkins had to back off from that claim later on, as his diet garnered popularity and, eventually, scrutiny.

When done correctly, and I think the South Beach diet is nearly perfect, it is a very healthy way of eating.

Great job Richard. I know how hard it is, and my diabetes stays under control much better when I don't eat simple carbs.


Low carb used to be the only way I could lose weight. Now nothing works. Getting old STINKS!

You GO Richard!!!

congrats Richard. what a great accomplishment. I'm ready to get back on the low carb wagon.

I find if I keep it simple, I do better than trying to plan out fabulous and varied menues each day. at least to get started. lean chicken and ham and turkey and lower fat mozz sticks and green veggies. but you're past that beginning stage, so I would like to know how you're making meals interesting now.

Yes - my husband has tried to be low carb as possible for YEARS

So I have played around a lot with things. Not always gourmet but they are good.


I do a lot stirfry. Chili, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, and cilantro are my friends rescuing me from blah. I have my supply of the low carb veggies and I usually just come in from work, throw some meat into the skillet with the veggies and give it cook. Add salad and I'm there. Shredded cabbage makes a "noodle" base, cashews on top to splurge.

Lunches are a little harder, but I plan extras that I put in containers before serving dinner. Otherwise, it's boiled eggs, cheese, sliced meat, side salads.

Overall its lots of eggs, cheese, turkey, chicken, fish, salads, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, celery, etc. I make a big crustless quiche on Sunday that makes a quick breakfast during the week.

I've been doing lots of roasted cauliflower, 101 ways to serve a cabbage raw and cooked. I buy the large cuts of meat on sale and make a large supply for sliced cold cuts and quick stir ins for weeknight 1 skillet meal.

I guess I'm just getting a little bored with it and am looking for new ideas. One of the hardest things is missing chocolate. I stirred up a sour cream, cream, unsweetened cocoa, cream cheese, and splenda ice cream last week out of desperation, but felt kind of guilty eating it even though there were only 5 carbs in scoop. I've since discovered unsweetened chocolate almond milk with 1 carb in a cup so that is my evening treat.

I'm fine with the low carb food but I do like a glass or two of wine before dinner or a martini or

two. It doesn't contribute to the weight loss. Good for you though Richard, I think I'll try again.

Very impressive! Funny, I was reading your post and wondering how you managed

on vacation. Glad you did not stick to it!!!

dh always responds well when he eats using the SB diet. He says not only does he feel his clothes fit him properly, but he feels better and has more energy. Early on, he gets headaches, but it goes away. He just has a challenge keeping on it after he has lost the weight. Then we go back to pasta, nokedli, ice cream, etc....

Funny on the timing of your post, he mentioned on Monday, that he would like to start it up again....

His "challenge" w/ SB is the snacking. He loves popcorn at night or any crunchy stuff. We make lots of veggie platters, but they lose their appeal after a few days.

Congrats to you! Very impressive! I LOVE Cathy's Laarb. We still make it 2-3 xs / month. (In fact, I made it on Sunday) That is a good one for Low Carb.

Wishing you continued success and letting you know that you inspired me to fill the pantry for dh to start on Monday.

huevos rancheros (w/o tortilla), crustless quiche with herbs, veggies, cheese,...

smoked salmon and soft boiled eggs.

I eat a lot of eggs.

Bacon and sausage is a regular at breakfast as well, several times/week.

Many people seem alarmed at this because of cholesterol, but mine is very low and has always been that way.
