Lunch today: Avocado Sandwich


Well-known member
I need to eat more vegetables, so I decided that my lunches should focus on vegetables. I work at home, so this gives me a lot of leeway in what I can prepare.

I mashed up a ripe avocado and added fresh lemon juice and garlic powder (both to taste). I spread this over two slices of toasted multi-grain bread, and added slices of red onion and tomato and some leaves of Boston Bibb lettuce.

This was the best lunch I've had in a long, long time. It was very fresh and the toasted bread was wonderfully crunchy. Amazing how a really balanced meal, even a small one, can make you feel so much better.

And there's enough of everything left for another sandwich tomorrow!

Amanda, sounds wonderful

I love avocado sandwiches and in addition to what you mentioned, I add fresh herbs, usually cilantro, but the fresh basil from the garden works so well with the tomato), and a slice of fresh mozzarella, halvarti, emmentaler, or some such. Another great addition is fresh alfafa sprouts. Trader Joe's sells a wonderful organic multi-grain bread that consists of whole grains, sprouted, then ground into flour. Can't remember the name, but it is really good for this type of sandwich.
