Made a batch of "Anna's Orange Marmalade" I watched Ina make on her show.

Took the zest off, then I supremed and chopped the fruit. Did six cups of water and

six of sugar. I thought it was still too thin after the last half hour of cooking so I ended up cooking another 20 minutes. My thermometer broke so when I thought it was thick enough I used the plate in the freezer method. I used the "dregs" from the bottom of the pot on some toast (you HAVE to sample some) and it was a bit too hard so I think the rest will be fine.

I used some of the Florida red navels which, I think, are a bit sweeter.

Tade a slice off the top and bottom so it will stand. carve the peel or pith off and

section with a knife so you don't get any of the white stringy stuff from the orange. Then I just coarse chopped the fruit.

You just made orange jam. smileys/wink.gif Since you took all of the peel off, except for the zest. . .

In essence you made jam/orange spread--which is perfectly good, but not a real marmalade.

One of the reasons your marmalade stayed thin is that most of the pectin was in the peel/section dividers that you left out. I have made lemon marmalade that not only used the lemons thinly sliced, peel and all, but also had me save the seeds from the lemons, place them in cheesecloth and soak the seeds in water to then add to the marmalade to help thicken it; I guess there is a lot of pectin in/around the seeds. Also, since you used seedless oranges(navels, right?) the marmalade probably would have had it's bitter qualities as navels are known for this in their peel and stored juice.

I am with you though; I don't like orange marmalade because it is usually bitter, too bitter for me. I will have to save and try your version of the recipe!

Oh! I did watch the video, but didn't realize that's what they called it! Did you include the zest?

Mine set up fine, Mistral. Even a bit too firm since my candy thermometer broke.

Also read that marmalade is a citrus jam that includes fruit peel.

The peel is the best part!

I use the whole fruit, and soak the seeds like mistral. I love the thick cut peel, it tastes like candied orange peel. It's a long weekend coming up, I think I need to make marmalade - last year's supply has about half a small jar left.
