Made a tasty yougurt mint dressing for fruit salad


1 C Greek yogurt

2 TBL agave nectar

2 TBL Lyle's Golden Syrup (Thanks again, dear Harriet, who is no longer misplaced in Arizona, but is strolling along an ocean beach and enjoying walks through fall-colored trees. And she doesn't hurt anymore. Anywhere.)

1 TBL chopped fresh mint

1 heaping TBL frozen orange juice concentrate

1 TBL fresh lemon juice

a fling of lemon zest

Whisk together.

Drizzle over:

fresh spinach

fresh baby greens

strawberries (white inside with no taste)

blueberries (bitter)

fresh pineapple (yum!)

small chunks of smoked turkey breast

Top with toasted almonds

PS: You can also add a banana and fresh mango, assuming they don't hid out behind the toaster in order not to noticed until after dinner like ours did.

Hey - I swear I posted a comment to this! Looks very good, and mint

and chives are the only thing I can harvest from my herb garden yet. I wonder if chives would go with it... hmm, might make it too savory (seems like a sweet dressing).
