Made 'Bammy' the Jamaican casava bread.....


Well-known member
Yippee, got some good casava out the garden so did my Jamaican maid's recipe, so simple and rather good....

Grate some peeled casava the old fashioned way or do it on a fine blade in the processor.

Squeeze all the juice out in a cheesecloth

and make a pancake like round with about 3 table spoons of the mix pressing it down and out into a hot, just oiled, frying pan.

(The starch liquid she starches the clothes with, she says?)

Cook till golden and turn, cook again till golden, only takes a few minutes.

Salt and eat it warm.

Thinking I should use this in the cooking class instead of roti. It is yummy eaten straight away and not so good when cool.

BUT one can make them and keep them in the fridge and when wanting to use them, soak in milk for 1/2 and hour and then proceed with a second frying as before.

(Can be frozen after first cooking, she says,

but I have not tried this)
