Made the most beautiful cr


Orange and Chocolate Scones from "Vanilla Bean Baking Book." I have the dough all prepped, but haven't baked it yet. Will post results later.


Crème fraîche

2 Cups heavy cream

1/2 C buttermilk.

Mix, put in a 1 QT canning jar and set aside on the counter covered with several thicknesses of cheesecloth held in place rim of canning jar. Give it a swirl every now and then. I made this on Friday and it was super-thick by this morning. Once the scones are baked we'll see how it works out.

Meanwhile, here is Sarah Kieffer's blog and just about every OTHER scone than the one I picked.

Thank you, I am so tired of trying to find it around here, and when I do find it, just not seems up

what it should be. Home made is usually best. Must give this a try.

Karen, here are a few more facts: I used organic heavy cream, but

regular buttermilk (can't find organic buttermilk near me).
Our house was around 76-78 degrees and I just let it sit on the kitchen counter. Instructions say you can let it sit in the refrigerator the whole time, but it will take longer to thicken.

The version I used previously was 2 TBL of buttermilk to 2 cups of heavy cream, but it never seemed thick enough to me. Especially after I watched an episode on Unique Sweets at FLOUR and her cream fraiche was THICK!

How did the scones come out?

I shared your creme fraiche recipe w/DS to make with his favorite cranberry orange scone recipe but I bet he'd love to try the orange and chocolate ones - if you loved them. DH and I are very partial to orange and chocolate and our DS often shares smileys/wink.gif Colleen

Dough is still in the freezer, unbaked. I doubt I'll get around to them for a bit

now as I'm flying up to NC to meet friends this weekend and warm scones are dedicated to weekend teas while watching old black & white movies.

(if I had the power to make it rain during that activity, my contentment meter would peak.)
