MAJOR BUMMER. Julie and Julia is not playing here.

My Goodness where do you live? Anyway, I just saw it and it's worth the drive. Enjoy!

Hmm, I saw it at 1201 this morning, would be 0401 in Florida, hehe, do we have a tinkle contest?Hugs

I was in Seattle, will probably be several weeks before it is here.
It is so fine, I will see it again!

LOL, Nan, you definitely win! Although I meant first to post, not first to see it. What were you

doing up at Midnight? Such dedication!

I saw it at the premier showing of the film, at 2:30 pm, in our tony Mobile suburb, and the theater was full! All the doctor's and lawyer's wives, for sure. (Please forgive me if I offended anyone, no offense intended, just trying to describe the audience. Not a red-neck in sight.)

The theater staff all wore aprons with the film name printed on them. I asked if I could get one, and the theater manager said that they had to wear them through the first day of the showing of the film, but after that they had no use for them. She said she would save hers for me and I could have it today!

My copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking was a wedding gift in 1969. I've dabbled with the recipes over the years, but when I came home last night, I opened the book with a new reverence for the time and effort that was put into producing it. I actually read the foreword for the first time! I felt a completely different demeanor when I walked into the kitchen this morning. At this advanced age, I would like to emulate Julia, and plan to make this my mission. And all because of the movie!

BTW, why did I keep seeing ErininNY in my mind while I watched the film?

Hope to hear other's opinions about the film. I loved the stories, the acting, (especially Julia and her sister) and a peek into other people's kitchens and lives!

Hugs, too.
