Mandoline in CostCo. . .


Well-known member
I was in CostCo this afternoon and the one by us has a mandoline for sale. It is very sturdy looking and has changed of blades; it looks heavy duty.

So if you are looking for one, you might want to check it out.

Cook's Illustrated rated Oxo's plastic one very highly It has a V-blade which they rated higher ...

than a diagonal blade. How much was it? Bed, Bath & Beyond had the Oxo for about $40 or $50. Usually you can get it for less with their coupon.

Hey, I used to use a Full Mandoline But FInd these work as well and are a lot cheaper

Hiho, i managed to blunt several mandolin's, and they are damn hard to get sharpened, so i tried one of these V slicers ( the borner) which are German, i find they do about 80% of what i used a mandolin for and are very cheap, i usually replace mine every 18 months or so but i put it thru a lot.
Do a google on

Bought the $150 version & was so scared of it, I returned it unused. Bought the $25 Japanese

bernier and use it quite often. Go figure.

High quality French stainless steel must intimidate me more than cheap Japanese plastic.

H cut the end of his finger off with the BIG one last month. It scares me to the point that I

respect its power, but I do use it if I have a lot to slice. He has now learned the respect for it that I was begging him to have.

Otherwise the $15 ones that I buy in France are so easy to use. Those are Zyliss and are the junior version of the Oxo.

That Oxo one would be what I'd buy if I needed one now. I think Oxo does a terrific job designing its tools.

My 1.5 cents worth.

i hear you Marilyn, I have a MIU France mandoline and use a $10 Feemster. They make

them stainless steel now, but I prefer the old metal, whatever it was. The blade held the adjustment much better.

I'm scared of the mandoline, it's very intimidating.

I have an old Feemster--the blade is carbon steel. . .

The blade has stayed very sharp for quite a few yeares--I think I picked it up at a thrift store, in the box. I like it very much for slicing things!

our knife shops sell them for fish fillet-ing. it's like being a knight in shining mesh armor.
