MAPLE CREAM CANDY (French Canadian Sucre a la Creme Maple Fudge)


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French Canadian Sucre a la Creme Maple Fudge

In French Quebec there are as many recipes for this maple fudge as there are bean recipes in Boston. This one is superb.

1 cup real maple syrup
3 cups light brown sugar
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp. baking powder
1 cup milk
1 cup whipping cream
1 tbsp. butter
2 tsp. vanilla
1 pinch salt
Nuts, to taste

Place all ingredients except the last three in a large saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. The syrup will swell at the beginning of the cooking, but it will soon go down.

The fudge will be done when a candy thermometer reaches 240 F. or when a drop of it in cold water remains soft.

Let the fudge COOL, then add butter, vanilla and nuts, and stir until creamy. Spread into a buttered pan.

The Canadiana Cookbook

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