Mar brought up Mr Carson, so could we talk Downon Abbey?? I want to pair everyone off. don't stop me


Well-known member
Did it seem they were pairing people off? my 2 cents:

Mrs Patmore and Mr Mason----YES. Oh the mystery of life!

Daisy and Andrew----YES( I think she's gonna be a school teacher)

Molesley and Baxter----YES

Isobel and Dr Clarkson---again

YESEdith and the new guy who helped her get out the edition---or her baby daddy comes back---YES

Denka and Spratt---odder things have happened

Tom needs someone, soon.

Mary and I don't really care!

You know, I missed the entire 5th season and it doesn't seem to have made much impact.

I did look up who Mary had her week of sin with, but that's it.

I actually own it. A friend gave me the Blu-ray after I turned her onto the series.

But after I missed the whole 5th season, I put it on and the very first episode ANNOYED me with how prissy everyone was acting. It so lacked subltety that it seemed as if Fellows had written the script using Crayola crayons.

Enjoying Season 6 because I know its time is ending. Season 1 is still my favorite.

Yes! We have such a great library here...

the 6th largest public library collection in the country in tiny Cincinnati! I'm there all the time. And now with the library catalogs all being online, its so easy to research, order materials, and then pick them up when they're in. I'm usually in and out in a minute.

I just checked and last year I checked out 147 items (books, DVDs, CDs, etc.)

Totally love my library!

Don't forget about Inter-city library loans. If your system doesn't have it, they can order it from

ANY LIBRARY that has it. Volusia now charges $5 for this function, but it's worth it for the more expensive books that might not be carried.

I ordered Patisserie three times from a library in North Carolina (I think it was from a culinary college) and finally bought my own copy, being satisfied that it was worth the cost.

We have decided that we prefer watching the whole show at

once instead of week to week so now we wait for it to come to the library and binge.

and check into their digital choices.we have ListenAlaska up here where we can download audio books

and kindle books for 2-3 weeks. awesome service. not a huge selection yet, but I'm sure the digital collections are growing
