MargCDN: Correction about Shay Cheese


Well-known member
Apparently you get just over 1.2 kg (2.5 lb) cheese for that $85 -- still a lot of cheese for the recommended 6 to 8 people. And several of those cheeses are small-production or single-farm cheeses you won't find elsewhere.

Much better. That really just didn't sound right, but it's a good way to justify a flight to

France, of course.

My friend bought me a big wheel of Reblochon just before I left (literally 10 hours before) and expected me to eat the whole thing before departing, knowing that I could not pack it. Those people just don't know how lucky they are.

You got me making potato pancakes last night. I always used the old blender recipe and they turned out well. I think it's been too many years and I'm getting sloppy with them, so it's time for a new recipe.

I grated the potatoes and onions. Nice change from the usual leftover-mash pancakes. Crispy is good.

Used the recipe in this month's Gourmet.
